Thursday, October 31, 2019

Juvenile Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Juvenile Justice - Essay Example A result oriented treatment plan consists of: â€Å"screening, assessment, treatment and aftercare protocol† (NASW, 2008). However, public demand for a tough retributive approach to juvenile crime such as the fatal shooting tragedies in schools, can compel the use of high levels of punishment by the justice system, thus undermining the possibilities of improvement in the youth’s delinquency conditions. In contrast to the punitive or correctional approach, treatment programs help offenders to understand the root causes of their misconduct, experience the rewards of positive or prosocial behavior, and assist youth in re-integrating into the family, school and community. Research reveals that recidivism or relapse rates among those delinquent youth who received some type of treatment was found to be 25% less than among untreated control groups. Further, evidence-based best treatment programs reduce recidivism to an extent of 80% (Gendreau & Goggin: 1). Since juvenile offenders are not identical to one another, individualized treatment for each young person works most effectively when certain common features essential for success of treatment programs are included. Behavior modification techniques for improving interpersonal and basic social skills, self-control, anger management, and resistance to substance abuse have been found to reduce recidivism or relapse by as much as 50%. Behavioral modification techniques punish negative behaviors similar to the correctional model, but also reward positive behaviors (Abrams et al: 9). Those treatments which involve longer contact hours with the emotionally disturbed youth achieve better results, and in institutional settings, treatments given by mental health professionals reveal improved outcomes as compared to interventions by corrections staff. Further, individual counseling that directly addresses behavior,

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

MONEY AND BANKING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

MONEY AND BANKING - Essay Example e pursuit of individual advantage stimulates the country by rewarding the ingenuity by using the powers bestowed by nature to enhance efficient distribution of labour (Agur 2008, p. 67-69). The country should specialize of efficient production of goods. The balanced trade ensures high standards of living. The interventions by the government distorting the market incentives may be unambiguously harmful. The tariffs limiting the trade may prevent the benefits exchanges. The trade balance means that losses are as a result of the displacement of people by imports (Agur 2008, p. 67-69). A country should also ensure flexible exchange rates in order to prevent the decline of the currency relative to the trade surplus currency from other countries. Regulating the exchange rates ensures that imports are more expensive to reduce the demand on imports. Also, exports should be at relatively low prices to foreigners so as to increase the demand for exports. The country should also aim at maintain ing the purchasing power parity and balanced trade (Agur 2008, p. 67-69). Part 2 The Foreign exchange markets are involved with the transactions for national currencies. The existent of such markets is influenced by the incorporation of the national currencies to the economy. In the world, the economy uses different currencies hence the need for the foreign exchange markets. Foreign exchange market is an example of exchange normally used in the international currencies decentralized globally. The financial centers around the world act as anchors for trade between different kinds of buyers and sellers. The foreign exchange markets influence relative value for the different currencies. The parties involved in the exchange markets buy another currency using quantity of another currency... From an economic view, trade deficits characterize poor economies. Most of the countries experiencing trade deficits are involved in consistent borrowing from other countries. Borrowing is not among the viable strategies in businesses. Labour unions consider trade deficits as key contributors to unemployment and it that it undermines the future production. The pursuit of individual advantage stimulates the country by rewarding the ingenuity by using the powers bestowed by nature to enhance efficient distribution of labour. The Foreign exchange markets are involved with the transactions for national currencies. The existent of such markets is influenced by the incorporation of the national currencies to the economy. In the world, the economy uses different currencies hence the need for the foreign exchange markets. Foreign exchange market is an example of exchange normally used in the international currencies decentralized globally. The financial centers around the world act as anchors for trade between different kinds of buyers and sellers. The stance of the monetary policies in industrialized countries has been inconsistent in bringing the value of foreign exchange currency back to its average value. This assumes the depreciation of the policies on the exchange currencies. The restriction of intervention in influencing the value of the exchange currency and the policy on intervention was consistent with the macro economy needs, and this led to the increased conflicts between the monetary policy stance and the use of intervention.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Health Policy And The Social Determinants

Health Policy And The Social Determinants INEQUALITIES IN MENTAL HEALTH Introduction and definitions: Mental health is described by the World Health Organization (WHO) as: a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community (WHO 2001a, p.1). According to NHS website every year in the UK, more than 250,000 people are admitted to psychiatric hospitals and over 4,000 people commit suicide ( , accessed 20-4-2010) Mental health inequality is a long standing problem that has been tackled for decades by epidemiologists, sociologists and health professionals. And because this problem has both strong social and health aspect there is no unified approach to identification and resolution. From Sociologists viewpoint inequality with mental health is a problem that has two main explanations: people are poor because they have mentally illness that makes them unable to keep work probably (social selection), or they become mentally ill under the stress of being poor (social causation). However, in modern psychiatry other factors are believed to involve in the etiology such as genetic factors, diet, and hormonal disturbance which interact with personality disorders or emotional state to produce mental illness. The problem of inequality is not only about serious mental illness but we can expand the definition of mental health inequality to include everyday feelings which is considered by United Kingdom Department of Health to be public health indicator: How people feel is not an elusive or abstract concept, but a significant public health indicator; as significant as rates of smoking, obesity and physical activity (Mental Well-being Impact Assessment ,2009) The table below gives examples of those factors that promote or reduce opportunities for good mental health (DOH 2001): MENTAL HEALTH PROTECTIVE FACTORS INTERNAL PROTECTIVE FACTORS EXTERNAL PROTECTIVE FACTORS EMOTIONAL RESILIENCE physical health self esteem/positive sense of self ability to manage conflict ability to learn CITIZENSHIP a positive experience of early bonding positive experience of attachment ability to make, maintain and break relationships communication skills feeling of acceptance EMOTIONAL RESILIENCE basic needs met food, warmth, shelter CITIZENSHIP societal or community validation supportive social network positive role models employment HEALTHY STRUCTURES positive educational experiences safe and secure environment in which to live supportive political infrastructure live within time of peace (absence of conflict) MENTAL HEALTH DEMOTING/VULNERABILITY FACTORS INTERNAL VULNERABLE FACTORS EXTERNAL VULNERABLE FACTORS EMOTIONAL RESILIENCE congenital illness, infirmity or disability lack of self esteem and social status feeling of helplessness problems with sexuality or sexual orientation CITIZENSHIP poor quality of relationships feeling of isolation feeling of institutionalisation experience of dissonance, conflict, or alienation EMOTIONAL RESILIENCE needs not being met hunger, cold, homelessness/poor housing conditions etc. experience separation and loss experience of abuse or violence substance misuse family history of psychiatric disorder CITIZENSHIP cultural conflict experience of alienation discrimination the negative experience of being stigmatised lack of autonomy the negative experience of peer pressure unemployment HEALTHY STRUCTURES value systems effects of poverty negative physical environment Table 1: factors that promote or reduce opportunities for good mental health What is the evidence on mental health inequalities? Socio-economic status: Community-based epidemiological studies across countries and over time have consistently identified an inverse relationship between Socio-economic status and prevalence rates of schizophrenia .The ratio between the current prevalence (defined as period prevalence up to one-year prevalence) of the disorder among low-SES and high-SES people was 3.4, whereas the ratio for lifetime prevalence was 2.4 (Saraceno et al,2005), and in Britain, twice as many suicides occur among people from the most lower SES (Blamey A et al ,2002). There are five hypotheses to explain this relation (Hudson 2005): Hypothesis 1: Economic stress. The inverse SES-mental illness correlation is a speci ¬Ã‚ c outcome of stressful economic conditions, such as poverty, unemployment, and housing unaffordability. Hypothesis 2: Family fragmentation. The inverse SES-mental illness correlation is a function of the fragmentation of family structure and lack of family supports. Hypothesis 3: Geographic drift. The inverse SES-mental illness correlation results from the movement of individuals from higher to lower SES communities subsequent to their initial hospitalization. Hypothesis 4: Socioeconomic drift. The inverse SES-mental illness correlation results from declining employment subsequent to initial hospitalization. Hypothesis 5: Intergenerational drift. The inverse SES-mental illness correlation is a function of declines in community SES levels of hospitalized adolescents between their  ¬Ã‚ rst hospitalization and their most recent hospitalization after turning 18 Age: In elderly: National Institute for Mental Health in England (NIMHE) has reported the following point regarding mental health problems in elderly : 3million older people in the UK experience symptoms of mental health problems the annual economic burden of late onset dementia is  £4.3 billion which is greater than that for stroke, cancer and heart disease combined dementia affects 5% of those aged over 65 and 20% over 80 10-15% of all older people meet the clinical criteria for a diagnosis of depression these numbers are set to increase by a third over the next 15 years (NIMHE, 2009). Mental health problems in elderly often go unrecognised. Even where they are acknowledged, they are often inadequately or inappropriately managed (DH 2005c). The UK inquiry into mental health and well-being in later life (2006) identified five factors that influence the mental health of older people: discrimination (for example, by age or culture); participation in meaningful activity; relationships; physical health (including physical capability to undertake everyday tasks); and poverty. in children : WHO states, that the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾development of a child and adolescent mental health policy requires an understanding of well-being and the prevalence of mental health problems among children and adolescents(child and adolescent mental health policy, 2006) However, there is an evidence that levels of distress and dysfunction during childhood are considerably high between 11 per cent and 26 per cent, while the severe cases that require interventions are around 3-6 per cent of people under 16 years of age (Bird et al.1988; Costello et al. 1988). Emotionally disturbed children are exposed to abuse or neglect in their family of origin, with estimates up to 65 per cent (Zeigler-Dendy,1989). Gender: Women and Mental Health Mental health problems are more common among women than men with higher incidence rates of depressive disorder than men (Palmer, 2003). There are many factors to explain this, first: Socio-economic factors such as poverty and poor housing conditions cause greater stress and fear of future amongst women. lack of confidence and self-esteem may be the results of educational factors such negative school experiences , Living in unsafe neighbourhoods cause stress and anxiety amongst women , dependency on prescription drugs (for depressive and sleeping disorders) often leads to anxiety. Men and Mental Health Men tend to be more vulnerable to mental health problems and suicide than ever before due for a number of reasons including: Men in general are less likely to talk about their problems or feelings or to admit that they have depression. Men are less likely to seek help for mental and emotional health problems. Unemployment has a greater impact on men in general. Some mental disorders are more serious in men for example suicide is the leading cause of death among young men. The rate for young men aged 10-24 years is higher among those from deprived communities compared with those from affluent communities. Men also experience earlier onset of schizophrenia with poorer clinical outcomes (Piccinelli, 1997) Risk groups for mental illness in men include (DHSSPS,2004): Older men: they are less willing to use health services because of the perception that these services are for older women. Divorced men because they have less support available from family , and services designed to meet the needs of this group is particularly. Male victims of domestic abuse -especially boys in rural areas. Gay and bisexual men few services are available to help men deal with problems such as homophobic bullying and harassment. Male survivors of sexual abuse lack of co-ordinated support for adult survivors of abuse Fathers despite examples of good practice, men have comparatively less access to support services than women, to enable them to cope with the stresses of parenthood. Bereaved men lack of appropriate services specifically targeted at men who have experienced bereavement. Men in rural areas particularly isolated in terms of service access. Young offenders inadequate psychological services in juvenile justice centres despite the high proportion of young people entering the juvenile system with a range of mental health problems. Ethnic group: A review by Commission for Healthcare Audit and Inspection,( Count me in, 2009) noted that Rates of admission were lower than the national average among the White British, Indian and Chinese groups, and were average for the Pakistani and Bangladeshi groups. They were higher than average among other minority ethnic groups particularly in the Black Caribbean, Black African, Other Black, White/Black Caribbean Mixed and White/Black African Mixed groups with rates over three times higher than average, and nine times higher in the Other Black group. Employment Status and Mental Health Having a job helps to maintain better mental health than not having one, but this is not always true as many factors involve For example, jobs which are unsatisfactory or insecure can be as harmful to health as unemployment (Wilkinson et al , 2003). Anxiety about job security, lack of job control, perceived effort-reward imbalance, negative relationships in the workplace, including bullying and harassment can have negative mental health consequences. According to OSC Health Inequalities Review (2006) people with a common mental disorder are five times more likely to be unemployed, and if they have work they are more likely to be excluded, people with an identified mental health problem are twice as likely to be on income support and four to five times more likely to be getting invalidity benefits. A person with a diagnosis of a psychotic illness leaves him with only a one in four chance of being in employment. Geographic variation: Studies result on geographic variation of mental illness are inconsistent , for example Hollie has concluded that In mental health problems there is substantial variation at the household level but with no evidence of postcode unit variation and no association with residential environmental quality or geographical accessibility. It is believed that in common mental disorder the psychosocial environment is more important than the physical environment (Hollie et al, 2007) On the other hand, a recent Swedish study of 4.4 million adults found that the incidence rates of psychosis and depression rose with increasing levels of urbanisation (Sundquist al.,2004). Another study by Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution shows that people from densely populated areas had a 68-77% and 12-20% higher risk of developing any psychotic illness and depression respectively when compared to a control group in rural areas. Within urban areas the rates for psychoses map closely those for deprivation and the size of a city also matters; in London schizophrenia rates are about twice those in Bristol or Nottingham (Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution, 2007a, 2007b). Disability and Mental Health: Definition: According to Disability Discrimination Act (1995) (DDA) A person has a disability if he has a physical or mental impairment which has substantial and long-term adverse affect on his ability to carry out normal day to day activities In the light of this definition we can focus on mental health inequality of three groups of people: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ People suffer socio-economic disadvantage caused by stigma and discrimination associated with their mental health problems. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ People with both mental health problems and physical disabilities. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ People with physical disabilities, whose experience discrimination and stigma because of their physical impairment and become mentally ill because of this experience. Disabled people are more likely to experience stress and emotional instability than those who are not disabled. a report by the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland (2003) has found that whilst 34% of those who were not disabled had experienced quite a lot or a great deal of stress in the last 12 months prior to the survey, the percentage rose to 52% for disabled people. Experiences of depression within the last 12 months were higher among women who were disabled (44%) than men (34%). Conclusion: Inequality in mental health is as important as any other form of health inequality, however the interaction between social and personal level in mental illness makes it more difficult to address different kinds of mental health Inequalities associated with it. Question 2 : word count (2000) Tackling inequalities in mental health Introduction: Mental illness, among other disorders, is widely considered as a significant determinant of both health and social outcomes and many studies have spotted mental health disorders as both consequence and cause of inequalities and social exclusion. Mental health diseases have two distinct characteristics as a public health problem: first very high rates of prevalence; secondly : onset is usually at a much younger age than for other health problem , Mental health diseases effects all areas of peoples lives : personal relationships, employment, income and educational performance. (Friedli and Parsonage , 2007; McDaid , 2007) Who is at risk for mental health problems? Defining risk groups enables policies makers to determine how to manage available resources to achieve better health equality. Furthermore, these groups are the main targets for health equality promotional programs. A review of recent evidences on mental health inequalities can help to define the large groups at risk: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ People living in institutional settings: such as care homes or those in secure care or subject to detention. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ People living in unhealthy settings and who may not be reached by traditional health care such as veterans or the homeless. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ People with physical and/or mental illness, people misusing drugs, people with alcohol problems, people who are victims of violence and abuse. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢children whose parents have problems with alcohol or with drugs, children whose parents have a mental illness and looked after and accommodated children, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ People from groups who experience discrimination. Key policies: These policies can be long term policies focusing on deep change over long period or short term seeking fast results such as health promotion. Long term aims: Inequalities in mental health are not only about equality of access, but also about quality of access. In the year 2009 Mental Health Foundation has published a report on resilience and inequalities in mental health (Mental Health, Resilience and Inequalities ,2009) This report mentioned four priorities for action: 1-Social, cultural and economic conditions that support family life: This can be done by reduce child poverty , parenting skills training and high quality preschool education , increasing access to safe places for children to play, especially outdoors, inter-agency partnerships to reduce violence and sexual abuse. 2- Education that helps children both economically and emotionally by: schools health promoting programs, involving teachers, pupils, parents and supporting parents to improve the home learning environment (HLE) support social, sports and creative achievements, as well as academic performance 3- Reduce unemployment and poverty levels and promote and protect mental health by: Supporting efforts to improve pay, work conditions and job security. Facilitate early referral to workplace based support for employees with psychiatric symptoms or personal crises to prevent employment breakdown. 4- Tackle economic and social problems, which cause the psychological distress. Such as housing/transport problems, isolation, debt, beside that art and leisure centres can help to reduce stress too. However, these strategies take long time to be effective, that means the need for more rapid actions or short term aims. Short term aims: Mental health promotion: To build an effective strategy to promotion for health equality the following points should be achieved: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Comprehensive: Mental Health promotion is not only the responsibility of health services alone; other sectors of society should join that effort. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Based on evidence à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Based on the needs of the local communities, and with the agreement of these communities. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Subject to evaluation: The strategy should be subject to critical evaluation and can be changed when necessary. A good example of such strategy is the Mental health national evidence based standards which have been issued by The National Service Framework for Mental Health (DOH 1999). The purpose of these standards is to deal with mental health discrimination and social exclusion associated with mental health problems. And that can be achieved by promotion: promote mental health for the whole society, working with individuals and communities Stop discrimination against individuals and groups with mental health problems, and take steps towards better promotion for their social inclusion. Tackling inequalities for special risk groups: The Suicide prevention strategy: One of the best example is the strategy based on work by (DOH 2002) and The NSPSE (National Suicide Prevention Strategy for England), the report was the result of literature review of suicide prevention programs around the world and has reached the following goals: 1. To reduce the risk in key high-risk group. 2. To promote mental well-being in the wider population. 3. To reduce the availability and lethality of suicide methods. 4. To improve the reporting of suicide behavior in the media. 5. To promote research on suicide and suicide prevention. 6. To improve monitoring of progress towards the target for reducing suicide. Women and Mental Health: Preventing: The results of UK-based survey (Williams, 2002) shows that mental health services for women: Do not meet womens mental health needs. Can replicate inequalities. Can be unsafe for women. Can be insensitive to the effects of gender and other social inequalities, such as race, class and age However, in their response to a survey conducted in England and Wales, women said that they wanted services that: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Keep them feel safe. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Promote empowerment, choice and self-determination. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Place importance on the underlying causes and context of their distress in addition to their symptoms. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Addressee important issues relating to their roles as mothers, the need for safe accommodation and access to education, training and work opportunities. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Value their strengths, abilities and potential for recovery. (DH, 2002a) These points are important to build a need-based action plan for better equality in health services. Men and Mental Health: Preventing: The Equal Minds conference workshop which had special focus on men and mental health listed five service design features targeted at mens mental health and well-being (equal minds, 2005): à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Accessibility and flexibility of services regarding time, location. For example, Select places familiar for men, Men Only sessions run by male staff, make use of some activities, such as sport and physical activity programmes. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Holistic approach, works on the person as a whole, not just on mental health. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Early intervention to prevent anxieties and concerns build up, especially in stress and anger management. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Trust and confidence are important to solve problems of identity and role that can underlay mens anxieties and self-perceptions or lack of self-esteem. Ethnicity and Mental Health: Preventing: The main problem in this field was the barriers to access services. Barriers include: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Language. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Stereotyping. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Lack of awareness or understandings of mental illness. The report Inside Outside (Sashidharan, 2003) which addresses mental health services for people from black and minority ethnic communities in England and Wales. Suggest that patients from all minority ethnic groups are more likely than white majority patients: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ To follow aversive pathways into specialist mental health care. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ To be admitted compulsorily (there are differences also between ethnic groups at all ages). à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ To be misdiagnosed. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ To be prescribed drugs and Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), more than talking therapies. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ To have higher readmission rates and stay for longer periods in hospital. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ To be admitted to secure care/forensic environments. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Their social care and psychological needs are less likely to be addressee within the care planning process. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ To have worse outcomes. A strategic approach in Ethnicity and Mental Health: In England and Wales a framework have been developed for action for delivering race equality in mental health (DH, 2003b) The framework focuses on three building blocks which are essential to improved outcomes and experiences of people from black and minority ethnic communities: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Information of better quality and more intelligently used. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Services which are more appropriate and responsive. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Increased community engagement In other words any approach should take in consider both quality of health services and the socio-economic disadvantages experienced by people from ethnic communities. Some suggested steps for this approach may include: Providing interpretation and translation services beside mental health service to insure highest possible quality. Adopting equalities practice in mental health services, that mean better understanding for cultural identity, the impact of racism, and culture differences in expression of mental distress. Developing assessment and diagnostic tools that can better assess patients from different backgrounds and ethnicities. Ensuring that services understand and respect spiritual requirements for different cultures. Ensuring access equality to culturally appropriate services including, counseling, psychotherapy and advocacy. Addressing common problem for people from black and minority communities, such as housing, employment, welfare benefits, and child-care. Disability and Mental Health: people with disabilities may experience high levels of socio-economic disadvantage due to discrimination and stigma , this group need a special interest regarding mental health services , they are liable for what Rogers and Pilgrim (2003) described :inequalities created by service provision. Mental health services for disable people should be customized to their needs, some recommendations for such services may include: Promotion for mental health, well-being and living with disability. Early intervention: for people who show symptoms for possible mental illness. Personalised care based on individuals needs and wishes Stigma: work for better social inclusion and tackling stigma and discrimination associated with some disabilities. Elderly and mental health: In order to achieve better equality for this group, policy makers should insure better access to mental health services on the first place. In the year 2005 the Department of Health published a report titled Securing Better Mental Health for Older Adults to launch a new programme to bring together mental health and older peoples policy in order to improve services for older people with mental health problems. The National Directors for older people and mental health promoted the dual principles of: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Delivering non-discriminatory mental health and care services available on the basis of need, not age and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Holistic, person-centred older peoples health and care services which address mental as well as physical health needs Here, it is essential to emphasis the importance of specialist mental health service for older adults. Sexual Orientation and Mental Health: In this group health promotion plays a great role to address the mental problems associated with sexual orientation. PACE organization has drawn up a set of practice guidelines for working with lesbian, gay and bisexual people in mental health services (PACE guideline.2006). The guidelines suggest promoting services and resources specifically for LGB people, including services such counselling and advocacy provided by LGB organisations. In response to these guidelines and studies about LGB such as (McNair et al, 2001). Mental health services for LGB people should: Reflect upon the homophobia and heterosexism that LGBT people may experience within mental health services. Enhance awareness of LGBT people problems, and the forms of discrimination and social exclusion they may face. Consider the nature of a culturally competent for LGBT people Preventing in Mental Health Problems: people with mental health problem are in need for resilience factors that enable them to recover from mental distress and to fight the effects of discrimination and stigma, we can name some of these factors such as confiding relationships, social networks, self-determination, financial security, however, support health services are essential for individual recovery and to achieve socially inclusive accepting communities (Dunn, 1999). Examples for these services can be found in report on Mental Health and Social Exclusion which has been published by Social Exclusion Unit. The report included a 27-point Action Plan aimed at tackling stigma and discrimination, focusing on the role of health and social care in addressing problems of social exclusion, unemployment, and supporting families and community participation through ensuring access to goods and services such as housing, financial advice and transport (SEU,2004). Beyond this report, it is important that policy makers be aware of connection between inequalities and mental health as a result and a cause, this will encourage more holistic approach that aim prevention on the long run. Conclusion: It is essential to put the different recommendations on mental health inequalities into everyday practice , for example a recent study by Glasgow Centre for Population Health found that policies are not driving practice for reducing inequalities in mental health within primary care, and the primary care organization studied is not conducive to addressing inequalities in mental health. (Craig, 2009). For that reason, it is the responsibility of government, health services and health professionals to put these strategies and plans into action to insure a better and healthier society.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Pat Barkers Regeneration Essay -- Pat Barker Regeneration Essays

Pat Barker's Regeneration Pat Barker's Regeneration focuses on the troubled soldiers' mental status during World War One. Barker introduces the feelings soldiers had about the war and military's involvement with the war effort. While Regeneration mainly looks at the male perspective, Barker includes a small but important female presence. While Second Lieutenant Billy Prior breaks away from Craiglockhart War Hospital for an evening, he finds women at a cafe in the Edinburgh district (Barker 86). He comes to the understanding that the women are munitions workers. Women's involvement in war work in Regeneration shows the potential growth in women's independence, but at the expense of restrictions placed on men while they were on the front lines of battle. Munition-ettes during World War One took the places of their husbands, fathers, and brothers in order for the men to take up positions in the armed services (Braybon 45). Women working in munitions factories were mainly of the lower class; yet, roughly 9 percent of women working in the factories came from the middle to upper classes (Robb 45). Munition-ettes held responsibilities for making and filling shells and cartridges along with other basic cleaning duties, driving, and intense labor ("Twentieth Century"). They acquired some engineering skills that helped them in producing various weapons ("Twentieth Century"). Munition-ettes took the deployed soldiers' places in the factories as a way to show their patriotism as well as to earn a better living than in domestic jobs. Munition-ettes suffered the flaws in the system of gender bias when looking at equal pay: "many [women] left low-skill, low-wage jobs, especially in domestic service, for better paying skilled labor in ... ...atriots or strictly worked to increase their economic status, all these women were a testimonial to the home front effort as well as the effort to further their independence. Works Cited Barker, Pat. Regeneration. New York: Plume, 1993. Braybon, Gail. Women Workers in the First World War. Totowa, New Jersey: Barnes & Noble Books, 1981. Robb, George. British Culture and the First World War. New York: Palgrave, 2002. â€Å"Twentieth Century: Military The First World War 1914-18.† Dartford Town Archive. 13 April 2003 <>. Home | By Category | By Page Number | Assignment Last update: 30 April 2003 Site Editor: Karin E. Westman, Assistant Professor of English, Kansas State University Contact Site Editor Karin Westman's Homepage | Department of English | Kansas State University

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Host Chapter 3: Resisted

â€Å"She won't recognize the new name,† the Healer murmured. A new sensation distracted me. Something pleasant, a change in the air as the Seeker stood at my side. A scent, I realized. Something different than the sterile, odorless room. Perfume, my new mind told me. Floral, lush†¦ â€Å"Can you hear me?† the Seeker asked, interrupting my analysis. â€Å"Are you aware?† â€Å"Take your time,† the Healer urged in a softer voice than the one he had used before. I did not open my eyes. I didn't want to be distracted. My mind gave me the words I needed, and the tone that would convey what I couldn't say without using many words. â€Å"Have I been placed in a damaged host in order to gain the information you need, Seeker?† There was a gasp-surprise and outrage mingled-and something warm touched my skin, covered my hand. â€Å"Of course not, Wanderer,† the man said reassuringly. â€Å"Even a Seeker would stop at some things.† The Seeker gasped again. Hissed, my memory corrected. â€Å"Then why doesn't this mind function correctly?† There was a pause. â€Å"The scans were perfect,† the Seeker said. Her words not reassuring but argumentative. Did she mean to quarrel with me? â€Å"The body was entirely healed.† â€Å"From a suicide attempt that was perilously close to succeeding.† My tone was stiff, still angry. I wasn't used to anger. It was hard to contain it. â€Å"Everything was in perfect order -â€Å" The Healer cut her off. â€Å"What is missing?† he asked. â€Å"Clearly, you've accessed speech.† â€Å"Memory. I was trying to find what the Seeker wants.† Though there was no sound, there was a change. The atmosphere, which had gone tense at my accusation, relaxed. I wondered how I knew this. I had a strange sensation that I was somehow receiving more than my five senses were giving me-almost a feeling that there was another sense, on the fringes, not quite harnessed. Intuition? That was almost the right word. As if any creature needed more than five senses. The Seeker cleared her throat, but it was the Healer who answered. â€Å"Ah,† he said. â€Å"Don't make yourself anxious about some partial memory†¦ difficulties. That's, well, not to be expected, exactly, but not surprising, considering.† â€Å"I don't understand your meaning.† â€Å"This host was part of the human resistance.† There was a hint of excitement in the Seeker's voice now. â€Å"Those humans who were aware of us before insertion are more difficult to subdue. This one still resists.† There was a moment of silence while they waited for my response. Resisting? The host was blocking my access? Again, the heat of my anger surprised me. â€Å"Am I correctly bound?† I asked, my voice distorted because it came through my teeth. â€Å"Yes,† the Healer said. â€Å"All eight hundred twenty-seven points are latched securely in the optimum positions.† This mind used more of my faculties than any host before, leaving me only one hundred eighty-one spare attachments. Perhaps the numerous bindings were the reason the emotions were so vivid. I decided to open my eyes. I felt the need to double-check the Healer's promises and make sure the rest of me worked. Light. Bright, painful. I closed my eyes again. The last light I had seen had been filtered through a hundred ocean fathoms. But these eyes had seen brighter and could handle it. I opened them narrowly, keeping my eyelashes feathered over the breach. â€Å"Would you like me to turn down the lights?† â€Å"No, Healer. My eyes will adjust.† â€Å"Very good,† he said, and I understood that his approval was meant for my casual use of the possessive. Both waited quietly while my eyes slowly widened. My mind recognized this as an average room in a medical facility. A hospital. The ceiling tiles were white with darker speckles. The lights were rectangular and the same size as the tiles, replacing them at regular intervals. The walls were light green-a calming color, but also the color of sickness. A poor choice, in my quickly formed opinion. The people facing me were more interesting than the room. The word doctor sounded in my mind as soon as my eyes fastened on the Healer. He wore loose-fitting blue green clothes that left his arms bare. Scrubs. He had hair on his face, a strange color that my memory called red. Red! It had been three worlds since I had seen the color or any of its relatives. Even this gingery gold filled me with nostalgia. His face was generically human to me, but the knowledge in my memory applied the word kind. An impatient breath pulled my attention to the Seeker. She was very small. If she had remained still, it would have taken me longer to notice her there beside the Healer. She didn't draw the eye, a darkness in the bright room. She wore black from chin to wrists-a conservative suit with a silk turtleneck underneath. Her hair was black, too. It grew to her chin and was pushed back behind her ears. Her skin was darker than the Healer's. Olive toned. The tiny changes in humans' expressions were so minimal they were very hard to read. My memory could name the look on this woman's face, though. The black brows, slanted down over the slightly bulging eyes, created a familiar design. Not quite anger. Intensity. Irritation. â€Å"How often does this happen?† I asked, looking at the Healer again. â€Å"Not often,† the Healer admitted. â€Å"We have so few full-grown hosts available anymore. The immature hosts are entirely pliable. But you indicated that you preferred to begin as an adult†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Yes.† â€Å"Most requests are the opposite. The human life span is much shorter than you're used to.† â€Å"I'm well versed in all the facts, Healer. Have you dealt with this†¦ resistance before yourself?† â€Å"Only once, myself.† â€Å"Tell me the facts of the case.† I paused. â€Å"Please,† I added, feeling a lack of courtesy in my command. The Healer sighed. The Seeker began tapping her fingers against her arm. A sign of impatience. She did not care to wait for what she wanted. â€Å"This occurred four years ago,† the Healer began. â€Å"The soul involved had requested an adult male host. The first one to be available was a human who had been living in a pocket of resistance since the early years of the occupation. The human†¦ knew what would happen when he was caught.† â€Å"Just as my host did.† â€Å"Um, yes.† He cleared his throat. â€Å"This was only the soul's second life. He came from Blind World.† â€Å"Blind World?† I asked, cocking my head to the side reflexively. â€Å"Oh, sorry, you wouldn't know our nicknames. This was one of yours, though, was it not?† He pulled a device from his pocket, a computer, and scanned quickly. â€Å"Yes, your seventh planet. In the eighty-first sector.† â€Å"Blind World?† I said again, my voice now disapproving. â€Å"Yes, well, some who have lived there prefer to call it the Singing World.† I nodded slowly. I liked that better. â€Å"And some who've never been there call it Planet of the Bats,† the Seeker muttered. I turned my eyes to her, feeling them narrow as my mind dredged up the appropriate image of the ugly flying rodent she referred to. â€Å"I assume you are one who has never lived there, Seeker,† the Healer said lightly. â€Å"We called this soul Racing Song at first-it was a loose translation of his name on†¦ the Singing World. But he soon opted to take the name of his host, Kevin. Though he was slated for a Calling in Musical Performance, given his background, he said he felt more comfortable continuing in the host's previous line of work, which was mechanical. â€Å"These signs were somewhat worrisome to his assigned Comforter, but they were well within normal bounds. â€Å"Then Kevin started to complain that he was blacking out for periods of time. They brought him back to me, and we ran extensive tests to make sure there was no hidden flaw in the host's brain. During the testing, several Healers noted marked differences in his behavior and personality. When we questioned him about this, he claimed to have no memory of certain statements and actions. We continued to observe him, along with his Comforter, and eventually discovered that the host was periodically taking control of Kevin's body.† â€Å"Taking control?† My eyes strained wide. â€Å"With the soul unaware? The host took the body back?† â€Å"Sadly, yes. Kevin was not strong enough to suppress this host.† Not strong enough. Would they think me weak as well? Was I weak, that I could not force this mind to answer my questions? Weaker still, because her living thoughts had existed in my head where there should be nothing but memory? I'd always thought of myself as strong. This idea of weakness made me flinch. Made me feel shame. The Healer continued. â€Å"Certain events occurred, and it was decided -â€Å" â€Å"What events?† The Healer looked down without answering. â€Å"What events?† I demanded again. â€Å"I believe I have a right to know.† The Healer sighed. â€Å"You do. Kevin†¦ physically attacked a Healer while not†¦ himself.† He winced. â€Å"He knocked the Healer unconscious with a blow from his fist and then found a scalpel on her person. We found him insensible. The host had tried to cut the soul out of his body.† It took me a moment before I could speak. Even then, my voice was just a breath. â€Å"What happened to them?† â€Å"Luckily, the host was unable to stay conscious long enough to inflict real damage. Kevin was relocated, into an immature host this time. The troublesome host was in poor repair, and it was decided there wasn't much point in saving him. â€Å"Kevin is seven human years old now and perfectly normal†¦ aside from the fact that he kept the name Kevin, that is. His guardians are taking great care that he is heavily exposed to music, and that is coming along well†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The last was added as if it were good news-news that could somehow cancel out the rest. â€Å"Why?† I cleared my throat so that my voice could gain some volume. â€Å"Why have these risks not been shared?† â€Å"Actually,† the Seeker broke in, â€Å"it is very clearly stated in all recruitment propaganda that assimilating the remaining adult human hosts is much more challenging than assimilating a child. An immature host is highly recommended.† â€Å"The word challenging does not quite cover Kevin's story,† I whispered. â€Å"Yes, well, you preferred to ignore the recommendation.† She held up her hands in a peacemaking gesture when my body tensed, causing the stiff fabric on the narrow bed to crackle softly. â€Å"Not that I blame you. Childhood is extraordinarily tedious. And you are clearly not the average soul. I have every confidence that this is well within your abilities to handle. This is just another host. I'm sure you will have full access and control shortly.† By this point in my observations of the Seeker, I was surprised that she'd had the patience to wait for any delay, even my personal acclimatization. I sensed her disappointment in my lack of information, and it brought back some of the unfamiliar feelings of anger. â€Å"Did it not occur to you that you could get the answers you seek by being inserted into this body yourself?† I asked. She stiffened. â€Å"I'm no skipper.† My eyebrows pulled up automatically. â€Å"Another nickname,† the Healer explained. â€Å"For those who do not complete a life term in their host.† I nodded in understanding. We'd had a name for it on my other worlds. On no world was it smiled upon. So I quit quizzing the Seeker and gave her what I could. â€Å"Her name was Melanie Stryder. She was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She was in Los Angeles when the occupation became known to her, and she hid in the wilderness for a few years before finding†¦ Hmmm. Sorry, I'll try that one again later. The body has seen twenty years. She drove to Chicago from†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I shook my head. â€Å"There were several stages, not all of them alone. The vehicle was stolen. She was searching for a cousin named Sharon, whom she had reason to hope was still human. She neither found nor contacted anyone before she was spotted. But†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I struggled, fighting against another blank wall. â€Å"I think†¦ I can't be sure†¦ I think she left a note†¦ somewhere.† â€Å"So she expected someone would look for her?† the Seeker asked eagerly. â€Å"Yes. She will be†¦ missed. If she does not rendezvous with†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I gritted my teeth, truly fighting now. The wall was black, and I could not tell how thick it was. I battered against it, sweat beading on my forehead. The Seeker and the Healer were very quiet, allowing me to concentrate. I tried thinking of something else-the loud, unfamiliar noises the engine of the car had made, the jittery rush of adrenaline every time the lights of another vehicle drew near on the road. I already had this, and nothing fought me. I let the memory carry me along, let it skip over the cold hike through the city under the sheltering darkness of night, let it wind its way to the building where they'd found me. Not me, her. My body shuddered. â€Å"Don't overextend -† the Healer began. The Seeker shushed him. I let my mind dwell on the horror of discovery, the burning hatred of the Seekers that overpowered almost everything else. The hatred was evil; it was pain. I could hardly bear to feel it. But I let it run its course, hoping it would distract the resistance, weaken the defenses. I watched carefully as she tried to hide and then knew she could not. A note, scratched on a piece of debris with a broken pencil. Shoved hastily under a door. Not just any door. â€Å"The pattern is the fifth door along the fifth hall on the fifth floor. Her communication is there.† The Seeker had a small phone in her hand; she murmured rapidly into it. â€Å"The building was supposed to be safe,† I continued. â€Å"They knew it was condemned. She doesn't know how she was discovered. Did they find Sharon?† A chill of horror raised goose bumps on my arms. The question was not mine. The question wasn't mine, but it flowed naturally through my lips as if it were. The Seeker did not notice anything amiss. â€Å"The cousin? No, they found no other human,† she answered, and my body relaxed in response. â€Å"This host was spotted entering the building. Since the building was known to be condemned, the citizen who observed her was concerned. He called us, and we watched the building to see if we could catch more than one, and then moved in when that seemed unlikely. Can you find the rendezvous point?† I tried. So many memories, all of them so colorful and sharp. I saw a hundred places I'd never been, heard their names for the first time. A house in Los Angeles, lined with tall fronded trees. A meadow in a forest, with a tent and a fire, outside Winslow, Arizona. A deserted rocky beach in Mexico. A cave, the entrance guarded by sheeting rain, somewhere in Oregon. Tents, huts, rude shelters. As time went on, the names grew less specific. She did not know where she was, nor did she care. My name was now Wanderer, yet her memories fit it just as well as my own. Except that my wandering was by choice. These flashes of memory were always tinged with the fear of the hunted. Not wandering, but running. I tried not to feel pity. Instead, I worked to focus the memories. I didn't need to see where she'd been, only where she was going. I sorted through the pictures that tied to the word Chicago , but none seemed to be anything more than random images. I widened my net. What was outside Chicago? Cold, I thought. It was cold, and there was some worry about that. Where? I pushed, and the wall came back. I exhaled in a gust. â€Å"Outside the city-in the wilderness†¦ a state park, away from any habitations. It's not somewhere she'd been before, but she knew how to get there.† â€Å"How soon?† the Seeker asked. â€Å"Soon.† The answer came automatically. â€Å"How long have I been here?† â€Å"We let the host heal for nine days, just to be absolutely sure she was recovered,† the Healer told me. â€Å"Insertion was today, the tenth day.† Ten days. My body felt a staggering wave of relief. â€Å"Too late,† I said. â€Å"For the rendezvous point†¦ or even the note.† I could feel the host's reaction to this-could feel it much too strongly. The host was almost†¦ smug. I allowed the words she thought to be spoken, so that I could learn from them. â€Å"He won't be there.† â€Å"He?† The Seeker pounced on the pronoun. â€Å"Who?† The black wall slammed down with more force than she'd used before. She was the tiniest fraction of a second too late. Again, the face filled my mind. The beautiful face with the golden tan skin and the light-flecked eyes. The face that stirred a strange, deep pleasure within me while I viewed it so clearly in my mind. Though the wall slapped into place with an accompanying sensation of vicious resentment, it was not fast enough. â€Å"Jared,† I answered. As quickly as if it had come from me, the thought that was not mine followed the name through my lips. â€Å"Jared is safe.†

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Proper Way of Managing your Money

Money Management is where the proper handling of money is applied. Proper management of money is important in our daily lives. Success in life is based on how you manage it. It is really a great challenge to manage your money. As we all know that we all live in a society where all of our neighbors are flooded with lots of products and you are there wanting to have also what they have. It doesn’t work that way. You need to budget, save and invest your hard earned cash to be productive and become a millionaire as well (King 36). Set-up your own goal and develop it to have an organized system. What should be your goal? For instance, your goal is to gain more money in 5 years time. The question now is what can you do to attain your goal? One possible way is through budgeting.   You must know where your money goes, how much comes in and how much goes out so you will know if you really save. In budgeting, you need to know your purchases which include your basic necessities and the payments for your bills. Furthermore, a 20% of your salary or income must be included to your budget. It is a smart decision. If you save 20% of your salary per month, you will be astonished for the money earned in five years time. That is a lot of savings on your part. Even though, you have a small income monthly, you can still save money. So, don’t be discouraged if your salary or income generated for the whole month is small. (King 35) Also read: No Money, No Honey Saving practically also means a wise spending. In this case, we must avoid inflation. It only happens when more money is needed as against the total supply of money available. To site an example, you buy more foods than you actually eat. You help increase the price of goods because the higher the demands of a certain product in which its supply is few, the price of the product becomes higher (King 36). When you shop, you need to have a comparison to distinguish which is the lowest price.   Furthermore, plan to shop when there is a sale or discounts. It is really a great help on saving your money. Don’t avail credit cards. It’s so tempting and almost 70% of people who use credit cards are actually indebt (King 39). Saving and budgeting are more on practicing self-discipline. Acquiring this attitude means you have the potential of managing your money properly. After budgeting and saving your money, you have to find the right kind of investments for your hard earned money comes from your salary or profit from your business. An investment is something to purchase in which has potentials in getting your money back more than you spent for a certain purchase. You need to invest to have more gains like in mutual funds. A mutual fund is a regulated investment company with a pool of assets that regularly sells and redeems its shares.   However, this opportunity is risky. There are times that the shares are decreasing after a long period of time. There are many to invest, like in lots, after long years, the price increases. It is hard to become a millionaire. It will take you years to be one, but if you know the proper management of your money and acquire the winning attitudes, you are not far to become one. Bibliography King, David. You Can Be Rich. Worldlink Marketing Corporation, 2002.    Â